Monday, February 17, 2014

A New Day Dawns

    There was a time long ago in a far away place where a humble little lizard chose to go on an adventure.  6 weeks and nearly 10,000 miles later, she returned home to her quiet little house, in the sleepy little town of Corozal.  She had met many wonderful people and seen many amazing things. But she had also discovered that 6 weeks was a very long time to be away from home. And she was very tired.  Luckily she arrived home just in time for a world class, record setting 4 months of the most amazingly WET rainy season. It rained so hard, how hard? It rained so hard that people were saying,"can it possibly rain any harder?" and it did. And then it rained even harder yet. It rained so hard, for so long that the roads started to melt. Oh yes they did. Where there were originally perfectly adequate marle roads, thick morasses of gray slimy slippery slurry were formed. Towns were cut off, children couldn't get to school and parents couldn't get to work. The local garbage dump flooded and washed out over the main road leading to the only golf course in the entire region causing much crying and wailing and gnashing of teeth. And saddest of all, Happy Hour was canceled! Not just once but repeatedly!!

     Needless to say this was all too much for one shy and retiring little lizard so she did the only sensible thing she could. She retired. No more meeting and greeting, no more flying overhead class, no more exotic rail travel. No, she climbed up on top of an unused dog crate with a couple of old friends and slept.
     And then one evening, out of the blue.........a phone call a long, deep soul searching conversation and a very difficult decision to be made. Was it too soon! Too late! Was it a mistake? Would it turn out to be just another wrong turn in an already terribly twisted and confusing life!!!  NO! It would turn out to be................
                                                                                                                       Yes, that's right! The lizard is loose once again.......