Sunday, August 11, 2013

Day 4 in the AM

Another slow start to the day. Lots of coffee and no breakfast. Too much time on the computers and cell phones and all of a sudden it's 11 o'clock and the post office closes at noon and we have to get the package mailed off to Idaho today because the post office is closed on Sunday and the traffic is awful and I'm not sure where the turn..........(deep breath) We made it. Our only necessary project for the day and its done.  So lets head for the Flea Market!

It was a beautiful day to be out and about. We were all chuckling when we heard people complaining about how hot and / or humid it is.  LOL, they have no idea.  But speaking of complaining! You would think Wanda hadn't eaten in a month. I mean she's a lizard! She's cold blooded! It's not like she really Has to eat everyday.  I mean, not like ME for instance.  But she is our guest so we assured her that we would eat as soon as we got into the Flea Market.

Yes, the service was a little slow. But everything you want is made to order.  I'm not sure where she is from originally, but she sure doesn't know how to relax and enjoy the dining experience.  And she tends  toward the melodramatic.

Then brunch is finally served and she was completely underwhelmed.  How on earth can you go wrong with a corn dog and french fries??   They even used clean grease! Sometimes there is just no pleasing people, or lizards. The only thing that finally settled her down was the shopping. Who would have guessed she had a taste for... wait for it.....
Yup, a simple diamond enhanced choker and her little eyes were just twinkling again.

On the way home we put her in charge of the air conditioner. It seemed to keep her quite content and very quiet. A pleasant change of pace. 

Oh! I almost forgot to mention that Wanda ran into an old friend at the Flea Market. 
It really is amazing who you run into in St. Augustine.

Fortunately he was flying solo. I would hate to see what would have gone on if the Pig and the Lizard got into it in the market!

Hopefully she will be in a better mood for the gathering of friends old and new at the San Sabastian Winery. 


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