Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 5

Another sunny, shiny day in north Florida. And another old friend to catch up. with our adopted baby boy, Vincent!

Wanda absolutely Loved him! But how could anyone not? We had a grand time catching up on life and Eating! Breakfast in St Augustine sure is fancier than chicken tacos in Corozal. Can you read the specials board?

We ate like little piggies. Mmmmm. Even little Ms Layla was having a fine time,

Until she met Wanda. Maybe it was the fact that Layla is so sweet, and fuzzy, and overall lovable, but I think the little green jealousy monster came out in Princess Wanda. She seems to rather enjoy being the center of ALL attentions.

After breakfast we went over to the beach and met up with the other most wonderful and talented Colleen. Not to be confused with your humble writer.
Colleen is another old friend from our past life as cando dwellers. She is also the owner and operator of not one but two Spice and Tea Exchanges in St. Augustine. If you have never been to one here's a peek.

Need I say more? Bruce was in heaven, and I believe the may be a few gifts in this shipment.

This is the kind of customer service that you can expect, big smiles, knowledgeable, friendly and turning a blind eye to the lizard  sampling the salt block display on the counter.

After a nice visit and a cool beverage it was off to the beach. Wanda couldn't wait to dip her little tootsies in the Atlantic Ocean. A much bigger pond than she claims to be used to.

Oh Yeah??? Heck no!  That is a really big ocean, and it was COLD!
I bet it was somewhere in the neighborhood of Dave's pool when it's in its Low 86 degree range. As opposed to the nice warm 86 it achieves at other times.
Not only was it cold, but there was a 40 mile Bataan Death March just to get across the beach! 

Man! What is with all that sand? Why isn't there grass growing up to the edge of the water, like in Corozal?

Had to leave the beach after a brief visit so we could meet up with my niece Chrystal and her beautiful baby boy, Zane.

What a wonder he ha turned into, the last time we saw him he had just opened his eyes into this new world. How fast the time goes by.

And time really has gone by way too quickly. Already our visit is ending here. Thank you Jay and Pat for you wonderful hospitality. The bed was comfy, the steak and spaghetti dinners were marvelous, the Hash Brown Pie is a recipe we will get from you in the future.
Thank you to all of our new friends and old. Hopefully we won't stay away so long this time.  
Tonight we catch the first train on the journey, then we will really have 
Lizards on a Train. 


  1. A wonderful adventure you are on, thanks for sharing with us "back home"

  2. Oh my! You are having a great time! You are missed! C
